Cattle Feed Supplements, Vitamins, Minerals
Lot Feed-Aid™
Dustless vitamin & mineral supplement
Dustless vitamin & mineral supplement for feedlot cattle
- Scientifically formulated supplement which can be added to a total mixed ration to boost levels of minerals and essential fat-soluble vitamins
- Adding LOT FEED-AID™ to a total mixed ration, will ensure the ration has the correct balance of minerals and vitamins for growing cattle
- Mix LOT FEED-AID™ to the total mixed ration at a rate of 500 g per tonne, or provide a 5 g dose per head per day
Pack sizes: 25kg
Available: Australia
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Lot Feed-Aid™
A scientifically formulated supplement which can be added to a total mixed ration to boost levels of minerals and essential fat-soluble vitamins. Feed additives maybe added (conditions apply) including Flaveco, Moneco, ProN8ure, Saleco, Toxibind, Tyleco, and some prescribed medications but only as directed by a veterinarian. Seperate data sheets are available.