Coccidiosis Treatment
Granular anticoccidial feed additive micro-granule for broilers, stimulates growth rate and increased feed conversion of pigs and beef cattle
- Improves the productivity by stimulating the growth rate and increasing the feed conversion efficiency of grower/finisher pigs and feedlot beef cattle
Pack sizes: 25kg
Available: Australia
Saleco® 120
Active constituents: Each kg contains: 120 g SALINOMYCIN SODIUM
Contains salinomycin sodium, which aids in prevention of coccidiosis in broiler chickens and in replacement birds intended for use as caged layers caused by E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. mivati, E. necatrix and E. tenella, their sporozoites, trophozoites and first generation schizonts. SALECO 120 may be used in replacement pullets for periods up to 7 days before producing eggs and eggs products for human consumption, or as directed by a Veterinarian.
Also for use in pigs and Beef cattle.